Hitting a Wall

Have you ever hit the wall spiritually? The writer of Hebrews uses that kind of language to describe a spiritual “drooping” with believers.

Ken Sparks: Everyone Gets to Die

Ken Sparks, one of college football’s all-time greatest coaches, began his coaching career with the philosophy: “It’s never about wins on the field, but the victories of the soul.”

Patrick Mahomes and the Lost Comma

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes’ well wishes for Aaron Rodgers took on a completely different meaning—all because of a lack of punctuation.

Drunk Street Choir, Deep Mire, and Waiting on God

Can you identify with David as one who is crying out for justice and waiting on God while the choirboys of injustice seem to have the loudest voice?

Katie Bone: I Don’t Need Easy, Just Possible

Nationally ranked rock climber and American Ninja Warrior champion, Katie Bone, says, "I don't need easy, just possible."

Albert McMakin and Your Legacy

Billy Graham’s legacy has reached the ends of the earth, but that story is incomplete apart from an obscure Albert McMakin.

From Faith to Faithing

Faith as a verb is “to faith,” where a growing disciple is in a continuous process of “faithing” and there are always next steps to take.

Measuring Your Days

Recognizing the brevity of one’s life will rightly fit a person according to the purpose for which they have been put here.

Meekness Isn’t Weakness

Greek war horses were “meeked” in the sense that they were trained to stay in the battle rather than flee at the sound of loud canons.

Humility Has an Expiration Date

Just as natural fruit has a shelf life, so does the fruit of the Spirit. Humility is one of those fruits, and it does have an expiration date.