When Is It Wrong to Pray?

When is it wrong to pray? Our prayer life must not only be an intimate communion of words, but an obedient course of action.

Hope from Charlottesville and Spain

From Charlottesville to Spain, I see images of HOPE that evil will be overcome with good. How are you doing at guarding your heart from the anger, vitriol, and hostility

Overcoming Intimidation: Facing Our Fears

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? When you feel small and powerless? Jehoshaphat shows us that fear isn’t necessarily the absence of faith; it can

Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? One is a reactionary instrument to its surrounding environment, while the other affects its environment.

Don’t Miss The Dance

Don't miss the dance! Never let fear reduce your life to the role of a boat-preserver when you've been called to walk on water. Get out of the boat!