The French Officer Who Swapped Places with a Hostage
Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame has become a hero throughout France, known for his self-sacrifice, patriotism and Christian faith.
Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame has become a hero throughout France, known for his self-sacrifice, patriotism and Christian faith.
Jesus knows full well what he is riding into in your life. He knows the hurt, the loneliness, the grief, the betrayal, the anger, the doubt, the despair, and the
One Thing Remains: Eventually the waves will calm. The winds will cease. The waters will subside. But the one constant will always be the steadfastness of God’s love.
Memory enables us to bring the joys, dreams and lessons of yesterday into today. As we recall God's faithfulness, we remain centered and growing, and we move forward with
One of my favorite classics is the old Disney film, The Ugly Dachshund, about a Great Dane who thinks he’s a dachshund. A misguided sense of identity leads to all
Oftentimes when one lamp goes out, the world feels a little darker. But we need to remember that God is faithful in every generation. The question the Lord will never
Though the Holy Spirit is responsible for producing the fruit in our lives, we are responsible for pulling out the weeds.
God is our refuge in the storm. He wants us to take courage in times of distress and uncertainty. In Psalm 31, David moves from desperate pleas to unbridled praise!
Paul pleaded three times for his weakness to be taken away. Then he learned the spiritual art of letting his life become a canvas for God to magnify Himself through
Jacob wrestles with God in order to get past his past. Like so many people today, he didn't have the confidence to face the future because of the guilt of