Changing The World Doesn’t Have to Be Intimidating

Changing the world doesn’t have to sound intimidating, it’s simply a matter of saying “yes” to Jesus regarding those in your path of responsibility or proximity of influence.

Don’t Take Rejection Too Personally

Where God’s enterprise and His glory is your goal, man’s rejection will always be embraced as divine redirection into greater purpose.

Scrapping Your Way Through a Slump

None of us are immune to slumps in life. What makes the Bible so relatable is that when we read about a person’s strengths we also get the revelation of

Blame Shifting: It’s the Nachos’ Fault

It’s convenient for us to cast external blame for our behavior, addictions, troubles, and outcomes related to the choices we have made in life.

“Souled” Out: Loving This World Too Much

Your soul—that invisible and eternal part of you—is the most important part of who you are. Your soul is the real you. Everything else is just temporary.

Easter Devotion: God Isn’t Holding Out On You

Martha wanted healing; Jesus wanted resurrection. His plans are always so much bigger than ours. You can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.

When At a Crossroads in Life, Consider…

God presented Israel with particular outcomes—blessings if they made the choice to obey Him, or outcomes of curses if they chose not to obey Him.

The Dangers of Forgetting What You’ve Been Through

Remembrance is demonstrated in obedience. If we can’t remember Him in the wilderness we will in no manner be fit to remember Him in the Promised Land.

A Wrong Way to Be Right

In our household, especially when there are heated disagreements, we try to recall that there is a wrong way to be right.

Overcoming Grasshopper Vision

Have you ever felt stuck between two chapters in your life—a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much purpose and God has subtly moved on without you?