Seeking Approval from Others

Jesus addressed religious influencers who were masterful artists at impressing the crowds, but callously grieved God.

Cal Ripken Jr: Faithfulness in the Game of Life

Cal Ripken, Jr. is a baseball legend. He was also one of my childhood heroes growing up in Baltimore. Faithfulness is about showing up consistently.

American Chopper, Creatives for Christ

When American Chopper took reality TV by storm back in 2003, I became a fan. God has always used skillful yet humanly flawed creatives to create aesthetics that feed the

Trusting God with Your Weakness

God had big plans for Moses. Yet, when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t see himself as the right person for the job.

Seeing The Face of God in Others

Jacob seemed to view Esau less like a brother and more like an obstacle standing between himself and success.

Wrestling With God

The very fact that God is willing to wrestle you into submission means he has great plans for you. Indeed, what He has in mind is greater than you imagine.

Family Drama and Conflict Resolution

Jacob and Laban’s family dynamic had quite a bit of strife. Wrongs were done and hurts were felt. A resolution was needed.

Unusual Kindness for the Outcast

God has condescended himself affectionately with unusual kindness for the outcast, even when they are explicitly undeserving of His grace.

Trust the Process of Your Calling

When we trust the process of God’s calling in our lives, we can have a pace, a peace, and a patience in our daily rhythms that reveal a faithfulness to