Breakaway Outreach will be facilitating multiple camps throughout the summer for prisoners’ kids, under-served children, and at-risk youth. Our first camping experience kicks off in just a few days (June 4) in Robbinsville, North Carolina. Here are some specific ways you can pray for our summer Kidz Camps…

1. Pray for our campers: that every child would experience God’s presence in his or her life. Virtually all of our kids come from broken families; fatherlessness, divorce, incarcerated parents, deceased parents, parents with addictions, foster care, and abandonment are common issues with our children. Pray that our campers will be empowered by God’s life-changing message of Christ and that a spirit of resiliency will rise up within them. Some of these kids will be hearing the Gospel for the very first time through camp. Pray that they hear it with simplicity and clarity, and a willingness to respond to the life Jesus longs to give them (John 10:10).

2) Pray for our camp leaders: to be agents of grace, catalysts for healing, and instruments of hope. Because our kids have suffered abandonment, abuses, and much rejection, trust is hard to come by. Our leaders will have to break through deeply embedded emotional barriers to win trust and lead kids on the path to spiritual discovery. Pray for God’s Spirit to foster that needed trust with our camp leaders and campers.

3) Pray for safety with transportation: for our bus drivers and campers to travel safely to and from each camping experience.

4) Pray for life-giving relationships to be birthed during camp that will transfer into ongoing mentoring relationships throughout the year. Camp is not a hit-and-run with our campers. It’s a catalyst to become more dependable and faithful stewards of God’s grace in young people’s lives. This grace flows from relationships that are planted with long-term commitment.

5) Pray for the families of our campers. Our camping experience invariably opens doors to reach out more holistically to broken homes and under-served families. Pray for a spiritual ripple effect, that what happens at camp will translate over into the very daily lives of hurting families in our communities; families that need to be served with the love of God in practical and tangible ways to bring forth healing and restoration.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for this ministry and for your support. Together, we are turning the tide of delinquency and poverty, and shaping eternity in the hearts of this generation ONE child at a time!

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