God Uses Broken People: 33 People God Used Who Were Broken, Flawed, and Seemingly Unqualified Misfits
The brokenness of our past is an integral part of our unique story, and God’s glorious art of making beautiful things out of broken pieces. When you consider all the people in Scripture who God used in redemptive ways, there is hope for anyone. God never sanitizes the stories of people in the Bible. Our modern church curricula and publishing agencies often “clean up” the stories of these “heroes,” especially when teaching them to children in Sunday School classes. Yet God gives the entire account for a reason.

13-Foot Coffins: Because Giants Were Meant to be Slain
In 13-Foot Coffins, Breakaway Outreach founder Jimmy Larche chronicles God’s redemptive fingerprints through abandonment, abuse, and fatherlessness. Like the ancient Roman gladiators, we don’t get to choose the arenas we fight in, but we do get to choose how we will fight, and to what honor we will uphold.

Joseph The Dreamer: From These Ashes I Will Rise
Studying the Genesis account of Joseph, this story is a remarkable account of one who experienced unimaginable pain and disappointment, although never growing bitter or resentful. Through this amazing narrative we are reminded that some of the most beautiful things indeed rise out of the ashes of our pain. This book is my reflection on life lessons drawn from Joseph’s timeless story.

Playing for an Audience of One: Sports Devotional
This book offers 52 weekly devotions for what it looks like to play for an audience of One—to seek first the approval of God over all other voices and influences in our lives. Each devo comes with a prayer and questions for personal reflection or group discussion, fitting for athletes, coaches, parents of athletes, and sports ministry leaders who work with athletes

Esther Now: Made and Positioned for Such a Time as This
Esther reminds us there are no accidents with God. He is always at work, especially behind the scenes in our lives. Through this study you will see that every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for something that’s meant to come. Everything in your life—the good and the bad—has been working together to shape you for what God is up to right now in this very hour.

Five Loaves, Two Fish: Your Little Is Never Too Small In The Hands of a Big God
What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. But for many of us, our gift to God doesn’t feel like much. That’s why I love the story of Jesus miraculously feeding thousands of people with five loaves and two fish.

Shapers: Leadership That Restores Hope, Rebuilds Lives
The Old Testament hero of compassion, Nehemiah, gives us the blueprints of what courageous leadership looks like; that which restores hope, revitalizes communities, and rebuilds lives.

Audacity: Find Your Crazy. Change The World.
Life is no place for the timid. Throughout history, the people who have changed the world discovered God’s love language—faith—and boldly danced with it. They were common, ordinary people, very flawed, who made a decision to be defined by courage rather than fear and complacency.