“Learn to worship God as the God who does wonders, who wishes to prove in you that He can do something supernatural and divine.” – Andrew Murray

My son, Zachary, likes to don his Batman gear quite often. I love to see my little man running around with his cape and black mask because I know that our home is a safer place because of it. Whenever he’s in character, bad guys are on the run. Usually that means the cat!

There is something mystical about being overtaken by something more powerful than yourself. Something divine. That’s the picture we get of the New Testament Church in the book of Acts – a community of believers clothed in the glory of God for the purpose of engaging a lost world.

Jesus had commanded his followers, “I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

Jesus made it very clear that the power he wanted to clothe His people with would be contingent upon prayer and waiting. His purpose is to clothe us with His glory – not our own.

The more Batman garb my son dons, the less I see of him. First the tights, then the cape, then the mask, until only his little blue eyes are piercing through the mask. It is the same with our faith journey. God longs to clothe us in the garments of Christ, that we would be transformed into his likeness and the more we reveal of him the less people see of us. John the Baptist put it in these words: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)

Let this become not only the prayer of our hearts, but also the reality we pursue. Less of me – more of HIM!

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