And the results of Election 2012 are…

After all the negative ads, polarizing arguments, spin pundits, blue states vs. red states, liberal media vs. conservative media, us against them demagoguing, polls, polls, and more polls…

The final analysis is this: JESUS IS STILL THE ONLY SAVIOR OF HUMANITY and…


After today, the political dust will settle. The analysis will continue. The arguments will be endless. But the inevitable reality will sink in and the eventual frustration and disappointment will again return to all who put their hope in a single politician to change their world.

Regardless of who gets elected in America today, they are no savior of all of society’s ills. Only ONE person qualifies for that. His name is Jesus, and He is seated at the right hand of God the Father, praying for His Church, the sleeping giant, to get up off of their complacent derrieres, repent of their mediocrity and seek God for national and worldwide revival.

This promise is still the only real antidote to all of our false hope in politics:

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV)

The BODY OF CHRIST is still the only hope for society’s ills in America and around the globe. With that in mind, I ask you Mr. and Mrs. Christian…

  • How committed are you to the Body of Christ?
  • Have you reoriented your life around Christ’s mission?
  • Are you repenting over your own idolatry, personal apathy, or spiritual mediocrity?
  • Are you trying to conform God’s agenda around your empire building, or have you considered the cost of surrendering everything to Jesus and invested yourself in His coming Kingdom?
  • Are you praying for revival?
  • Are you sharing the Gospel with your neighbors and coworkers?
  • Are you serving the poor and the “least of these” in your city?
  • Are you investing yourself financially in God’s mission? (Matthew 6:21… where your treasure is there your heart is also)

Isn’t it much easier to elect leaders we believe in and hope in, and then wait for them to change our world while we construct our own empires of greed and selfish ambition? I do hope you voted today. I hope you looked beyond all the media hype and educated yourself on the issues before voting. But I also hope you pray for the President of the United States of America and other elected officers regardless of who may hold those offices after the election (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

But most importantly, I ask you this: Does your PASSION for the mission of Jesus Christ and His Church equal that of your passion for political activism?

If you call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ and you have no church family… it’s about time to commit to one and start changing the world.

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