7 Things I’m Thankful For:

1. JESUS: He changed my life 23 years ago in a smelly roach-infested juvenile detention center, and I’ve never been the same since. There have been many mountains and valleys, blessings and bleeding, victories and losses along the way, yet this God of wonders never ceases to AMAZE me. Thank you Jesus!

2. My wife Cindy, a.k.a. “Cid”: She has put up with me for over 14 years and loved me nearly unconditionally. I say ‘nearly’ because I have questions about that love when my dirty socks don’t make it all the way to the hamper. Yes, I have my bad days, and not just with my lingering socks. Cid is the most caring, forgiving, nurturing, drama-free woman I’ve ever met. You won’t find a closer picture of a Proverbs 31 woman on this side of heaven. Her grace is not quite as AMAZING as God’s, but it comes close – very close. Cid, thank you for the daily adventure!

3. My incredibly gifted children: Stephanie, Zachary, Mackenzie; I’m so proud to be your Daddy. You all are so unique in your own way. I love your passion for life, compassion for people, and that you understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. You make the journey FUN, and fill our days with smiles and laughter. Thank you!

4. My extended family: For all the blessings, support, and memories we’ve built over the years. We’ve shared the joys of life, endured the pain and loss of deceased loved ones, have laughed and cried together, argued at times, but in the end, always learn how to love and forgive one another as Christ teaches us. As the years go by, I become more and more aware of this great treasure God has given us in family, and how it teaches us about commitment in the face of adversity. Our blood runs thick and we stick together!

5. My friends: In the age of social media, the term “friendship” has become the most inflated word in our culture. It’s true meaning has become effaced and devalued; replaced with lists, profiles, and “followers”. True friends aren’t just names in a social network database or a tally on your “profile”, they are people who are willing to fight FOR you and ALONGSIDE you, no matter what life may bring. Friendships, like anything else in life, are only meaningful when quality trumps quantity. I’m so grateful to have authentic friends in a culture of pseudo-community.

6. LEGOS and the simple little things in life: LEGOS are one of my 7-yr old’s hobbies at this stage in his life and these little plastic blocks help me to spend quality time with my little guy while building extraordinary memories in the ordinary moments of life. I’m thankful for the simple moments like having a cup of coffee with my wife, watching my 9-yr old do gymnastics, or playing an iPad game with my 3-yr old. Who needs Etch-A-Sketches in the iPad generation? The game has changed! But I’m still thankful for the LITTLE things in life.

7. Leftover turkey and pumpkin pie!

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