Three great quotes from this week:

We had the opportunity to see 42 (The Jackie Robinson story) this week—an amazing story of a man of unspeakable character and strength who changed history. My greatest quote from the movie is when Jackie says, “God built me to last.” God gave Jackie the physical ability to perform, but he also gave him the emotional, mental, and spiritual fortitude to withstand the persecution and opposition he would face. He was built to withstand the fiery trials of adversity, and Jackie knew that. He was driven by that sense of purpose. Are you?

I love what Dwyane Wade said about the San Antonio Spurs after the Miami Heat won Game 7 of the NBA Finals. He confessed he still doesn’t know what the Spurs players sound like. “They don’t talk trash—they just come out and quietly kick your butt.” Perhaps the greatest compliment he could give his opponent—a team with admirable class.

My son was given a journal for his upcoming mission trip to Germany. On the front is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Anything unattempted remains impossible.” You can never be a part of something great if you don’t get out of your comfort zone. To open up the realm of extraordinary possibilities, you must be stretched. You must take the necessary risks and you must attempt new things. Some of the greatest regrets most of us have are the regrets of what we failed to try—not what we tried and failed.

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