1. By God’s grace I am what I am.
2. I’m not finished growing, I keep moving forward.
3. I’m not a victim. I’m privileged to glorify Christ through suffering.
4. I refuse to make excuses for my failure.
5. I own my mistakes, learn from them, and become wiser.
6. I can’t make everyone happy, but I can please ONE.
7. I am a giver. I give life, hope, and empowerment to others.
8. I’m content being me. Therefore, I don’t compare myself with others.
9. I have everything I need to do what God has called me to do.
10. I’m not running aimlessly. There’s purpose even in uncertainty.
11. The Gospel is still changing my life. That’s Good News!
12. I will love the journey. Even when there are no shortcuts.
13. If I err, I will err on the side of faith… never doubt.
14. God never calls us to a fair fight. Otherwise we wouldn’t need to trust Him.
15. My calling is my burden. I will accept that.
15 Statements to Get You Unstuck
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